Grease movie

Sandy Olsen and Danny  meet in the summer at the beach,Sandy has to go back to Australia so Danny believes that the will never see each other again,he is totally in love  with her.
The see one last time on the beach,giving the best summer vacation close.Danny start in USA,whitout knowing that the are in same institute
The dont see in the following school days until Sandy tell to their new friends that this summer love was Danny Zucko.
They do a trap to Danny and Sany the day of the footbal game,where the see each other again.
When Sandy see Danny reacts so happy and surprise,but Danny acts indifferently because he is whit his friends.

Danny to get Sandy back inscribe in many sports,becausa Sandy was dating with a football player.
Then comes a famous dance competition,where the institute chosen was Rydell.

Sandy and Danny dance and at the time they are winning until a exs girfriend of Danny "CHACHA" stands and dances with Danny and wim the competion.            

Kenickie makes a race car whit whiterspoon his enemy and ask Danny to run for him because he hit his head with the car door slam.

Danny runs,earning his enemy,but he dosn´t know that Sandy is watching and when the race finishall celebrate the win.

Sandy wants Danny back after all that has hapenned and she apear dressed very diferently,when Danny see Sandy sing together a song and then all sing one song.


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